Sunday 29 January 2006

Guten Tag!

We Have arrived in Tuebingen!... well we’ve been here for two nights now but this is the first chance to blog due to Steph’s whirlwind hospitality  Our trip however was not without some drama, in short we only had 55 minutes to change flights in Wien (Vienna) and it took us a while to get through the “Passkontrolle”. By the time we got to our gate (about 1 minute late) the plane had already left  so we had to change flights and we managed to get two seats on another flight that was running late. However our luggage was not as lucky as us and got left behind in Vienna and we had the pleasure of waiting in Frankfurt for 3 hours till our luggage caught up!

Funny Story: Upon boarding the flight, that was running late, Jeremy found it quite odd that all the passengers were staring at him and giving him funny looks, but just put it down to people being annoyed that the flight had been delayed (even though the plane was late before we got seats on it). Then as we were leaving the Captain announced an apology that some of the passengers had caused some security issues but we could now leave! It wasn’t us I swear!! Now it made more sense that people were looking at Jeremy as if he was a potential terrorist.

We arrived in Tuebingen in the late afternoon and our personal tour guide (Steph) met us there and helped us buy tickets and get back to her house and cook dinner for us… probably the best travel package I’ve never paid for :P By this stage we’d been awake for the equivalent of two nights and Jeremy was starting to fall asleep standing up but we went out for German beer at the local restaurant/brewery anyway

For our first day in Tuebingen Steph took us on a tour of the town and ‘surprise surprise’ we ended up in a clothes shop that was having a sale! Great!!! (That was Sarcasm), we checked out some other stores, had a Kebab for lunch. We then had dinner cooked for us by some of Steph’s friends, which was great!

For our second Day Steph took us for a walk to Bebenhausen where we had a quick look at the 12th century monastery that is about 20 mins walk from Steph’s house

That’s all for now… I’m copping flack for writing so much… Jo can write this next time

Tuesday 24 January 2006

This is a picture of Joanna and I at our farewell dinner a couple of nights before we left... the real reason this is here was to test the photo option... sorry Jo!


Sunday 22 January 2006

Test Post... yes you have come to the right place!

Testing... 1...2...3

This is the first post on our Blog... if you have received an Email from me with this address and have turned up at this site and are wondering where all the cool stuff is, well you're going to have to wait as Jo and I haven't even left yet :P

As I said this is a test so now I am going to test all the different text options i have!

Well I hope that was as much fun for you as it was for me :P

Anyway, I shall endeavour to post on this site regularly... but keep in mind there may not be much posting until I have access to a computer which will be a few weeks after we arrive in

Until then I would just like to thank everyone for all the well wishing Jo and I have received and will continue to receive until we do leave on Thursday... even those disgruntled people who claim they will miss us for some reason... we feel much loved :)

Adios, Jeremy