Monday 28 August 2006

Travelling Again!

That's right, Jeremy and I are off again (Yay!). This time we're going for two months, we've given our notice at work, we've told our landlord, and we're off!!

The plans at the moment are to head over to Sweden, pick up Ian in Umea, then head over to Norway and down the west coast with him. Then from Oslo, we say farewell to Ian as he goes back to work (hehe) and fly over to spend a few day with Dan in Munich for Oktoberfest. We'll then be flying over to Istanbul to meet up with Tori to do some travelling in Turkey for a couple of weeks. From there we're not entirely sure, perhaps Eastern Europe we're thinking at the moment, we'll see what happens, but we plan on being back in London in early November!!

We're finishing up work soon and we'll be leaving London in a week so we're both starting to get really excited!! We'll try and be better than we have been and keep our blog updated regularly!!

Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnival 'the biggest street party in Europe'. We didn't get to hang around for too long as we've got lots to do before we leave London again, but we saw some pretty cool costumes!!

Friends from Home!

Caught up with Evan, Dom and Chris a few weeks ago at the Redback... was great to see some friends from back home!!

Sunday 20 August 2006

Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Military Tattoo

Well, yes, we’re still to post about Spain, Jeremy is writing an essay about that… but meanwhile we’ve been on a short trip up to Edinburgh for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Edinburgh Military Tattoo with Jo’s Grandad! Here are a couple of Photos from the trip.

View of Edinburgh from Arthur’s Seat. Jeremy and I climbed a measly 251m up to Arthur’s Seat above Edinburgh only to realise how unfit we are, and if we really plan to hike for 30 days in Spain next year, we’d better get fit! (In the Aussie sense not the English sense, because we’re both obviously fit in the English sense!!)

View of Edinburgh Castle from Arthur’s Seat, where the Tattoo is held.

After our trip up to Arthur's Seat we decided that we'd better go and see a fringe event seeing as we'd come all this way, so we went and saw some comedy, an act called 'Quite Good Britain' about how Britain should be renamed Quite Good Britain instead of Great Britain, very funny, Jeremy and I enjoyed it!

The Tattoo!!

It was really awesome! For those that don’t know (as I didn’t until recently) it’s a musical performance by military bands and other groups that are invited from around the world. I think our favourite group at this year’s Tattoo was the ‘Top Secret Drum Corps’ from Switzerland. They were this AWESOME drumming group, who were for a start fantastic drummers, but can apparently also juggle their sticks and throw them between each other, while continuing to play!! Pretty cool.

We also learnt about the cosy seating at the Tattoo. You don’t want to have to sit next to anyone much bigger than Jo, because there’s not much room! Click Here to see a video I took with my camera while we were there, pretty cool, and you also get a glimpse of how cosy the seating is when I try and work out how to stop the camera recording!!

The next day we visited the castle with Grandad. Here are a couple of photos.

Jo and her Grandad at the Castle looking over Edinburgh.

Jo and Jeremy at the Castle.

We saw our final Fringe event on our last day, a performance 'Anything to Declare?' which is about a NZ girl on her big overseas trip, and the people she encounters. Very well done as she does all the acting herself with only a backpack as a prop. There were so many things on we would have liked to go and see that we said we might have to see if we can go back again next year!!

And finally the most photographed thing in Edinburgh 'Greyfriars Bobby'. A memorial statue to a little dog who supposedly sat on its master’s grave at Greyfriars Cemetery out of loyalty for 14 years! Why is this the most photographed statue? The simple answer is Americans. Do you believe a story as warm and fuzzy as this could be passed up by American tourists attempting to capture the true essence of the lands they visit? Forget the Covenanters and their struggle to maintain the Presbyterian faith in Edinburgh. Over a thousand men losing their lives in support of their cause, with over five hundred of them being imprisoned at Greyfriars graveyard until their deaths. But sadly no, thanks to one author from Chicago (who had never been to Edinburgh) the story of Bobby has touched so many Americans that they have even established "The American Lovers of Bobby Society" and have actually gone to the expense of erecting memorial headstones (mmm I can smell the bake sales already) in the graveyard to bobby and his master and even to James Brown the local Sexton who has been immortalised forever as a friend of Greyfriars bobby! When in truth the dog just had nowhere else to go!