Monday 28 August 2006

Travelling Again!

That's right, Jeremy and I are off again (Yay!). This time we're going for two months, we've given our notice at work, we've told our landlord, and we're off!!

The plans at the moment are to head over to Sweden, pick up Ian in Umea, then head over to Norway and down the west coast with him. Then from Oslo, we say farewell to Ian as he goes back to work (hehe) and fly over to spend a few day with Dan in Munich for Oktoberfest. We'll then be flying over to Istanbul to meet up with Tori to do some travelling in Turkey for a couple of weeks. From there we're not entirely sure, perhaps Eastern Europe we're thinking at the moment, we'll see what happens, but we plan on being back in London in early November!!

We're finishing up work soon and we'll be leaving London in a week so we're both starting to get really excited!! We'll try and be better than we have been and keep our blog updated regularly!!

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