Tuesday 12 June 2007

West Highland Way 20th-27th May

Time is absolutely flying by!! Jeremy and I leave London in less than 3 weeks and about 3 weeks ago I also swore I would get the blog up to date, but am still WAY too far behind. So in an effort to acheive this impossible dream, here are some pics from our hike in Scotland back in May:

The weather left a little to be desired, but we were in the Scottish highlands, so we couldn't have expected anything less!

At the start of the West Higland Way.

The view of Loch Lomond from Conic Hill

Our hostel on the second night, great location!

Ibs, Joanna and Jeremy

The weather wasn't always so great...

Baby cow! ...well at least a young one!

A self-take at the half-way point of the West Highland Way, only 76.5km to go!!

View from Bridge of Orchy

Looking back at Kinlochleven

Ben Nevis

He he! These were hanging up at our hostel that night!

View from Ben Nevis, nealy at the top!

Getting there, only a few more meters to go!!

Finally! at the top of Ben Nevis

On the way back down

And finally, finished the West Higland Way!!

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