Well, finally they're here, and we are slowly working on getting up-to-date with our blog. Sorry to all those who have been waiting for this for the last few months, we promise to be better now that we're back online!!

Steph convinces us that it’s a good idea to go out and enjoy a German beer on our first night in Germany despite the fact that we haven’t really slept for the past 30 hours.

Jo, Steph and Jeremy in Steph’s pad after having a bit more sleep than the night before!!

Jo and Jeremy enjoy some sight seeing in Tübingen, on the Neckar River with a local guide (Steph!).

Jeremy: “What does that sign say Steph?”
Steph: “ATTENTION! Please do not enter the ice flat! Mortal Danger!”
Jeremy: “Oh…”

Ah Jeremy... Perhaps you'd better not stay there much longer...

Catherine, Jeremy and Jo enjoy a party in Steph’s kitchen.

The view from the Cathedral at Ulm, we couldn’t go all the way to the top because of ice. :(

The Residential “Schloss” or Palace in Ludwigsburg…Pretty!

Steph warns Jo: “If someone comes up to you and says ‘Are you Joanna Strugnell?’ It’s because everyone can read the tag hanging off your backpack”. Half an hour later someone come up and says: “Are you Joanna Strugnell?” --> Jo bumps into a friend from primary school while in Dresden.

Jo and Jeremy in Dresden.

The Stormwater Engineers got a bit carried away on this building in Dresden…

Whoops!! We accidentally got on the smoking car on the train from Dresden to Berlin, we won’t be making that mistake again!!

At the Brandenburg Gate working on our self-takes!!

The Jewish Museum in Berlin.

HUGE Greek columns at the Pergamon museum in Berlin.

Konrad, Steph and Jeremy in Heidelberg.

Wow, cool! Castle ruins!

Jeremy and Jo enjoy sightseeing despite the rain... We're practicing for London!!

Still working on that self-take… of course all the ones with primarily sky have been edited from this selection :)
Wow! A blast from the past! I can't believe those photos are from February, it feels so long ago... Can you believe winter is slowly coming to Sydney? Was camping at Belanglo on the weekend and it was bloody FREEZING! Gotta go write 2500 words in the next 24 hours...Talk to you guys soon - Hope to see you online!
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