Sunday 7 May 2006

Photos from London

Here are a couple of pics from our adventures in London…

Jo and Jeremy go for a trip on the London Eye… Whee!!

View from the Eye down the Thames.

Perhaps camouflage is not his speciality?

“Jo where are you?”
“Over by the white boxes”
“Oh, those white boxes”
Jeremy and Jo get lost in an installation at the TATE Modern.

Jeremy tries to catch a squirrel…

Abraham Lincoln, American patriot, freed the slaves, immortalised forever in wax…
Hot Diggity Dawg!!!!

Davina, Jo and Jeremy catch up in London.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, it is great seeing all your photos, and seeing both your faces. It has been over 3 months since I saw you both. I think I will have to get my act together and get the video link with skype set up so I can see you as well as talk to you. The photos look great - I am still jealous. Although the ones of London look very suspiciously like the ones we took in London - the same greyish tones to each photo. When you get a chance, send me actual address - I cant find it if you gave to me. Have a great birthday on the 17th May. I will talk to you soon. Love you both. Mum