Monday 1 January 2007

Christmas in Germany

So following our previous adventures in Germany we settled down for a few days of solid eating over Christmas.

Christmas Eve dinner. Click here to see a video of this awesome drink we had as well. Basically you start with warm red wine, place a cone of compacted sugar over the top, douse in 80% rum, and set on fire!! The caramelised sugar drips into the wine!! Yummy!

The Boys hungry with anticipation (Lars, Roy and Sven)

Christmas Day lunch

Mmm... Yummy!!

Phew! That was good!

A few drinks round the fire.. Jeremy and Roy were given so many they didn't have enough hands!!

Christmas Day dinner, where we got into the singing and dancing!

And finally Boxing Day lunch.. we were so full after eating solidly for 3 days, we thought we would never have to eat again!!

Down the Autobahn, Whee!! (Oops, don't think Mum will approve of that one!)

Going for a walk...

To a pretty German castle!! Click here to see everyone there.

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