Monday 1 January 2007

NYE Shenanigans

Well Since getting back from Germany we’ve been showing Jo’s Brother Roy around London and the surrounds. Spent a day wandering the city and visiting a few places like the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, and the British Museum, Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus and all your Monopoly favourites! We managed to squeeze in a day trip to Oxford and another one to Greenwich, both of which are really nice but probably nicer in the summer as is most of this country.

Then it was time to say hello to the New Year!! Without much idea of what to do or where to go or who with this New Year, we managed to attach ourselves to a party that our flatmate knew about. It was a fancy hat affair at a pub in Angel, and although many people were too cool to where a hat, we certainly weren’t!!! We actually had the best hats at the party, everybody thought so, well, we did anyway. See my instructional notes on how to construct the best New Years party hat!

How to construct the best New Years Eve party hat…ever!

Step 1:
Look up a pattern for making a newspaper hat on the Internet

Step 2:
Go down to the corner shop and buy the sleaziest tabloid paper available.

Step 3:
Search through the paper for all the pages that have big half-page colour photos of girls with big boobs dressed in their underwear or bikini’s.

Step 4:
Use the pattern from the Internet to fold the be-boobed paper into a hat (ensuring that maximum boob and ass is visible)

Step 5:
Be proud of your hat and point out regularly to people you have never met before that your hat has boobs on it!

New Years was great, not only because of our hats and the fact that Jo’s brother was in London (loved the dance moves Roy) but also because our old friend Ian was there, dancing up a storm with some of the lovely ladies. He also brought along an equally cool guy, Constable Mikey! Hey guys just want to say thanks for the champagne! There were loads of other cool people at the party that need a mention too there’s our very cool flatmates Shannon and Brett, Our Queue-buddy Debbie (you would have been cooler in one of our boobed hats), Renee who fed us before the party and of course the omniscient Jef (great party, thanks for the 4th generation invitiation)!

Queue buddies! The Boys in their Boob hats with Debbie

Ian's hat had it all, Boobs and it said 'Happy New Year'!

We're in, finally!!

And pleased to have some drinks!!

I'll leave the rest to your imagination, but it's safe to say a good night was had by all!!

Happy New Year!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jer, did you leg it home quickly enough to avoid making the curb quiche this time? (That still gives me the giggles)
Speak soon,
uni Dan

Jeremy & Joanna said...

Ha Ha, very funny... and yes just so that you know i made it home fine and didn't really even have a hang-over... weird! plus there were no 45 minute dodgy bus trips to inspire the creation of street front french pastry!
